The Bachelor Program in Electronic Engineering
Date: 2016-10-13 字体:


Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) have jointly provided the 3-year Bachelor Program in Electronic Engineering approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The non-full-time program lasts for two years and welcomes new students every year. This program started in 1998 and recruits no more than 60 students. It has 15 classes of graduates till now.


The successful applicants will register as UCLan students, and they will spend the first two years in the School of Information and Electronics in BIT and the third year in the School of Engineering in UCLan if they qualified in the academic performance of the first two years. Students will receive the Bachelor diploma (BEng(Hons)) from UCLan. The diploma is the same as the diploma student receives if they spend three years in the UK, and could receive Authentication from the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange. The English courses in the first two years will be taught by the international teachers employed by UCLan; one third of the specialized courses were taught by UCLan teachers and the rest is taught by BIT teachers.


This program has brought out many excellent student, and many of them choose to do further study. Some of the graduates stayed overseas to work, and those who returned to China are mostly work for foreign companies, joint ventures, domestic communication companies or institutional organizations. This program has received positive feedbacks from both students and their parents, and won good reputation from the student's employers. It is now a program of good profile and credibility.